GACA Professional Development

 Virtual Only

Smart Strategies to Work with Clients Using Telemental Health

Saturday, March 8, 2025

8:45 AM Check-In  

9:00 AM Workshop Begins

12:30 PM  Lunch Break

1:00 PM   Workshop Continues

4:00  PM  Workshop Concludes

Location:  Online

6.0 CE Hours Approved by GACA GAMFT, and NAADAC.  Applied for Approval with GSCSW. 

Approved for 6.0 Clock Hours with NBCC.


It is more important now in 2023 that our community ca be served by qualified telemental  health professionals.  This program will clarify how Telemental health is defined and how to perform the services ethically and legally.  The program will discuss HIPPA compliance, crisis planning, using interventions, building rapport and protocols for telemental health.  

Learning objectives:  

1) The therapist will learn the definition of Telemental health by the end of the course.  The client will be able to receive psychotherapy services via technology assisted media.  

2) Therapist will learn at 3 regulated by ethical codes of professional & 3 issues regulated by the state for telemental health. Clients will be informed of their rights & protocols for service before services are rendered.  

3) Therapist will learn how to manage their therapeutic relationship in a virtual setting and an increased client rapport by the end of the course. Client will verbalize understanding of expectations for entering into care. 

Presenter: Glendora Dvine, LPC, BC-TMH, NCC 


Glendora DVine is a highly respected licensed counselor with national accreditation dating back to 2007. She's also a board-certified Telemental Health specialist since 2014. Glendora founded Dvine Systems GA in 2010, a mental and behavioral health practice located in Henry County, GA. Her practice focuses on two primary areas of passion: family safeguarding through healthy mental living and coaching mental health professionals in building, scaling, and growing in Telemental Health. Glendora and her team of professional counselors created a therapeutic event called "LOL Therapy." These workshops are educational, inspirational, practical, and also feature a professional comedy show. Participants can learn coping skills, gather resources, and obtain facts related to healthy mental health living. Glendora believes that laughter is one of the best medicines for life, and she loves to incorporate it into her therapeutic approach

Dvine Systems GA offers a range of therapeutic and professional services to the community. Glendora specializes in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, serving teens and adults. Glendora began coaching mental health clinicians successfully in 2020, launching her masterclass "Build. Scale. Grow. In Telemental Health." Through her branding systems VCC, she has facilitated clinicians in becoming leaders in their community and online, guiding them to voice their niche, shine with confidence, and talk with competence. Glendora's system is built on Visibility, Confidence, and Competence, and she aims to help clinicians conquer the journey of entrepreneurship as their mental health professional coach. Glendora is a highly sought-after motivational speaker who has been inspiring people for over a decade with her straightforward and encouraging dialogue. Her passion for others is insatiable, and she continues to volunteer in the community as needed. She also serves as a paid speaker for healthcare organizations, private businesses, and government agencies.



The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction counselors, educators, and other addiction-focused health care professionals.

Georgia Addiction Counselors Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7302.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Georgia Addiction Counselors Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.  


  • 6.0 CE Hours, Virtual Only

  • 6.0 CE Hours, Virtual Only

  • that Continuing Education is part of my professional and ethical responsibilities. This requirement is for my betterment and for the welfare of my clients. It is not simply a box to check, but for my professional growth and development as a clinician.

  • that I can not miss more than 15 minutes of a training/workshop in order to receive CE credit, as per the regulations governing CE approvals.

  • it is unethical and unprofessional to be working (engaged in work), shopping, at a restaurant, playing video games, watching tv, or engaged in any other activity that would cause me to be distracted from learning.

  • I may be required to have my camera turned on.

  • to type my name into the chat box at random times.

  • Browsers:
    We utilize Zoom for our webinars. Zoom recommends the following browsers for peak performance: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Chromium Edge.

    Registration Emails:
    Older Email Providers often have difficulties when emails are sent to multiple recipients. This is the usual practice in sending out information, evaluations, handouts, etc. for our webinars. We recommend that you register utilizing using an email from one of the following providers: Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. We highly discourage the use of Earthlink, or AOL email accounts for registration.

    You may set up free email accounts with any of the recommended providers: Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. If you need assistance, please contact the GACA office.


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  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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